We had a great, relaxing Labor Day with amazingly beautiful cool temps here in Dallas! As a result, I did not get really any writing done this weekend and I’m behind in posts even though I have some great things to share with you all.
Somehow, I suspected this might happen and I pre-recorded an answer to the weekly Vlog Talk prompt.

What would you do with your days if you didn’t blog anymore?
Blogging has become such a big part of who I am that I don’t know what I would do without it anymore.
Great Vlog. I nee to do more of them but I never know what to say. If I did not blog anymore I’d be really bored.
Sleep, yoga and husband – those things sound perfect. Almost as perfect as blogging 😉
I would read more. For me, blogging and reading go hand in hand anyway.
I agree! It was hard to think of something…
That is very true, I could easily have said that too. The Kindle is really helping me read more lately 🙂
What would I do if I didn’t blog?! Cry.
Haha! Sadly, if I didn’t blog, I’d do things like clean and cook instead of sleep and yoga. That’s part of why blog!
I always need to stay busy so if I stopped blogging I was just start another project! It helps keep me sane and focused. I need to have something I’m always working on 🙂
I loved your response—definitely in order of importance! I didn’t blog when my children were little so I don’t know if I would have been able to do it then.
Sadly, I think if I weren’t blogging, I’d just be watching tv with the kids!
Hahaha! Best answer yet!