It’s ironic that my last post was about our chickens, because they were both killed last night by a bobcat in our area. We had never heard of the bobcat coming this far from the creek or this close to a major road (which our alley backs up to), but apparently it does and it was able to get in our 6 foot fence, into the chicken run, and into the coop. It is partially our fault for not closing the coop securely. I am very sad to think about their last moments and that we were not able to protect or save them. I wish I had played with them yesterday so I could have said goodbye. The kids are at school right now so I am going to have to tell them that Bocky and JuJu are gone when they get back. I was in the backyard cleaning out the feathers and, uh, blood, and it is so quiet and lonely back there without their little bock-bock-bock sounds. I hope that we can get some new chickens soon and that we can make our yard more secure this time.
Oh my goodness. That is so sad! Poor little chickens. 🙁