New baby!

On Tuesday, October 20 at 9:59 AM, we met Michael Asher Bradford for the first time! He was 7lbs, 14oz at birth and 20 inches long.
I am so thankful that labor did eventually start naturally when my waters broke at 2:20 AM. I was in labor around 4.5-5 hours, total. It was a natural, unmedicated birth and Christian was an AMAZING Bradley birth coach!
I’ll be posting the full birth story on my family blog when I have time later, so keep checking!

3 thoughts on “New baby!

  1. My Inner French Girl says:

    J, I am soooo happy for you! Congratulations again on a healthy and happy baby and birth.

    Beautiful photograph of you and Michael Asher above, by the way. I hope I get to meet him soon! When do you think you might feel up to getting up and about?


  2. J says:

    Thank you, Marjorie! I can’t wait to hang out with you guys again! I am not sure when we will be out and about yet – I am going out to a mom’s group on Thursday for the first time and we’ve taken him to the pediatrician several times as well (he is lookin’ good!). But I would like to go out more, like for dinner or something soon!!

  3. Vanessa says:

    What a beautiful birth! The baby is gorgeous and you are the perfect picture of a natural mother! I love the picture of you in bed holding the baby, everything about that moment seems perfect.

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