Looking back on 2011 To Do List

Thanks to Jennie at She Likes Purple, you might remember that I made a 2011 To Do List in lieu of resolutions. Frankly, I forgotten about most of it until I saw her post on how hers faired.
Let’s see how I did on my list this year:

2011 To Do List

  • Complete redesign of this blog (already in the works), including logo and business cards. I am basing the design on the work of an awesome sculptor who has graciously given me his permission to use his work as inspiration for a graphic designer to build on. I can’t wait for you all to see it! Not sure yet if I’ll have to convert to WordPress  DONE! Did not convert to WordPress. I love what my husband did!
  • Get all the cross-stitch pieces people have given me re-framed into corresponding/compatible frames that also mesh with our modern-ish decor, giving them the ability to be displayed in main rooms of the house rather than stored away somewhere. Um, nope. Still have not done this. 2012?
  • Rebuild my wardrobe once I return to my pre-pregnancy size. I’ve been pregnant or post-pregnant for over 2 years straight now, so I own hardly any non-maternity clothing – and what I have is 2 years behind. Time to start from scratch! No again. We kind of ran out of money, what with going to one income and buying a house.
  • Keep growing out my hair. Nobody let me cut it all off again, I don’t care what I say!!! What was I thinking?? It’s pretty long by now! Not wanting to cut it off – Little Lady loves to play with it!
  • Continue blog posting and Twittering regularly, despite whatever life changes we are going through. Long silences are bad for traffic! Plus, having this non-mommy blog forces me to think about non-mommy things when the mommy-ing gets overwhelming. I think I have done pretty well, especially NaBloPoMo!
  • Keep myself open to alternative part-time career opportunities that do NOT involve sales. Maybe social media? Maybe an off-shoot of something blogging related? I am open to ideas and suggestions! Well, I did get a part-time social media job this year. Not sure how good of a fit it is for me right now, but it works. Will have a to-do related to blogging in 2012.
  • Consider entering into sponsorship partnerships with companies I love, to further the blogging thing. I don’t know much about this stuff. I am not promising anything. Um, no. I am still to chicken to do this. My numbers are so low that I am embarrassed to share them with advertisers for fear of being laughed at.
  • Figure out how to babyproof our cabinets which have no handles. Did that and then moved.
  • Turn all my blog posts on the family blog from 2009 and 2010 into physical books using Blog2Print.com – this is the only way our family will ever own a “scrapbook” and it’s so much easier because I’ve already done the work! Did it! Love my books! Will be doing a 2011 book too!

So, that’s where last year stands. Stay tuned for next year’s “To Do” list!
What’s yours?

    2 thoughts on “Looking back on 2011 To Do List

    1. Jennifer Webster says:

      How did the blog book work?  That just sounds so much fun.  Could you consider a blog entry about it for newbie bloggers like me….please!

    2. Jenny Bradford says:

      I love the books, they are from Blog2Print.com. I like them because they just automatically pulled all my content into a book. Ooo I wonder if they would do some blogger PR with me so I can give one away? 🙂

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