In Kyoto now

Finally have internet access again! We are now in Kyoto, yesterday we spent in Harkone which is a kind of resort area with natural sulphur springs, and went to Mt Fuji. Our guide says we are very lucky because Mt Fuji had no fog at all the entire time we are here. Often, visitors to Japan will go the entire time without being able to fully see the mountain because she is covered in fog.

We got to go to our second Japanese bath in the Harkone area, this one with the natural sulphur minerals. A little stinky but really it comes right off and they are very relaxing. Because we are married, we can use the Family Baths, which are private. For those of you not familiar with Japanese baths, they are like hot tub only you do not wear any clothing. You wash yourself first and then get in without anything on. Men are in one and women in another. They are public, but of course since it is gender separated that is not too bad. However, since we are married we use the Family Bath which is private with only the two of us. We had baths at the ryokan the first night with regular water and then yesterday with the special mineral water in Harkone. We also ate black eggs which are cooked in the natural sulphur springs in that area. Eating one is supposed to extend your life by 7 years 🙂

Other things we have done include visiting 2 shrines which were very nice. Also several supermarkets, and riding the slower Shinkansen train. We will ride the fastest one on our last day here. I sure do miss our kitties. I am sorry they are throwing up, mom! 🙁 Gabby will eat anything that is left out! Well, will try to blog tomorrow before we leave but I am not sure.

2 thoughts on “In Kyoto now

  1. Millie says:

    I am glad you are still having a good time. The baths sound nice. When you were describing them to me I thought they were all mixed genders. I miss my kitties too when I am away from them. I can’t wait to talk to you when you return. There have been so many things I wanted to talk to you about this week and then you were gone. It made me sad.

  2. Garrett says:

    Sounds like you are having a superb time. I was a bit weary of the communal sulphur bath, but it was quite nice. Well…except for the middle-aged women giggling across the pool. It was co-ed! Enjoy. Eat some takoyaki and meronpan for me.

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