So, who else is going to BlogHer?
I am super excited to attend, but in the most nerdy way. I think I should post this explanation in case I meet people at BlogHer and they visit my site for the first time.
Here are the things I am excited about, in this exact order:
- I am excited about the panels.
- I am glad to be there with my husband, without the baby.
- I am looking forward to being in NYC after 7 years since my last visit.
- … and finally, I am glad to meet other bloggers, and especially the ones whose blogs I follow.

I am not a big partier. There are only two parties I am interested in: A Green Affair, and Green Blogger Soiree. So I will see you there, if you are going!
I’m not avoiding other parties because I’m antisocial, or even that I am awkward in crowds of strangers. When I was single I would often go to all kinds of events, even weddings, alone and I had no problem with it – still don’t. This is how I meet people, so I don’t mind it.
Only, I haven’t been to NYC in around 7 years and my husband has never been. I want us to see as much as possible together. And really, I am not very big in the blogsphere. I am not a “celebrity blogger watcher”. I don’t read Dooce or The Bloggess, even though those ladies are wonderful bloggers.
I will look forward to hearing them and perhaps seeing them, but honestly I am slightly more excited about seeing the Old Spice man who will be in the exhibit hall.
That’s how I roll at BlogHer 2010 this year – if you see me at the conference or at lunch or breakfast, be sure to say hi!