Unfortunately, I have acquired some kind of awesome stomach bug that comes with a fever and constantly feeling like I’m going to yarf but never actually yarfing. It’s almost exactly like being pregnant! Except I can assure you that I am not. The toddler and the almost-1-year-old that beat me on the head all day yelling “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” when I laid down have reminded me how thankful I am that is not the case right now.
In lieu of writing anything new here, I wanted to formally announce that I’ll be writing occasionally for CottonBabies’ blog over the next year or so! I am super excited about this! Today my first post was published: For The Love of Pockets. If you aren’t familiar with CottonBabies, they are the creators of BumGenius cloth diapers, which comprise the majority of my stash. I order from their online store regularly for things like flushable liners and most recently, a Flip potty training pant for Little Sir.
I am only one of numerous contributors to this blog, and the topics are pretty precise. It’s kind of first-come, first-serve whether you get to attempt to write on a topic or not, so I can’t guarantee when or how often I’ll be able to write in the future. But I hope I can! I am a big fan of the company and the direction they’ll be going with this blog, so be sure to subscribe.
And, if you’re one of those natural remedy gurus – any suggestions on getting rid of the stomach bug ASAP?!