How is the part time job going, Jenny? (I teach Lagree Fitness at a local studio – it’s a form… Read more You have to get up pretty early
Category: women
#shifthappens and what happened there
As I mentioned before, I spent the last weekend in Los Angeles, California with an amazing group of women… Read more #shifthappens and what happened there
#ShiftHappens: Going to ShiftCon 2014 this week!
I am beyond excited to be traveling to LA at the end of this week to finally meet so many… Read more #ShiftHappens: Going to ShiftCon 2014 this week!
DIY Clay Diffuser Necklaces
Last night I had a get-together at my house with a bunch of fun ladies to make DIY clay diffuser necklaces… Read more DIY Clay Diffuser Necklaces
IG post: Showing skin
I’m experimenting with something for the next week or so. I notice that I haven’t been posting to my blog… Read more IG post: Showing skin