Green Automatic Dishwasher detergent, Part II

About a year and a half ago, I wrote a post about my failed search for a green automatic dishwasher detergent. Even though I failed at that time, I have kept up the search. More and more companies have put out their versions of green automatic dishwasher detergents and I have tried them. Here are a few that I have tried since then.

method Smarty Dish, Non-Toxic Dishwasher Detergent, Go Nakedmethod Smarty Dish, Non-Toxic Dishwasher Detergent, Go Naked
I usually love Method products and I actually bought 2 containers in my effort to give it a good try, but no luck. It was very close, I have to say – the closest of any I’ve tried, but still left my plates dingy and occasionally I did have to re-wash my silverware.

Seventh Generation Automatic Dishwasher Gel, Lemon Scent
Seventh Generation Automatic Dishwasher Gel, Lemon Scent
I also love Seventh Generation – I love them so much that I follow them on Twitter!! I also really wanted to love their dishwasher detergent, but no. Last night I had to re-wash all of my silverware by hand, which is part of what prompted this post. I hate doing that. Why do I have a dishwasher at all if I am washing all my silverware by hand?! It is very sad, but FAIL!!

Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Auto Dishwashing Packs, GeraniumMrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Auto Dishwashing Packs, Geranium
I loved the way this one smelled, and it came recommended by a friend who said it really worked. Unfortunately, my dishwasher machine did not agree. As I recall, this one left residue of undissolved tablets inside my machine, which suggests that it actually didn’t utilize all of the tablet in the washing.

So, I am still looking. None of the companies mentioned above provided the products or any feedback – I wasted all of my own money in this continuing search. I also have great things to say about all these brands, I have other products made by them that I love. It is just too bad that the “green clean” movement is so terrible at automatic dishwasher detergent.

2 thoughts on “Green Automatic Dishwasher detergent, Part II

  1. Elizabeth Wickland says:

    My friends use Norwex for the diswasher detergent and SWEAR by it! We haven’t switched over yet, because our Costco has a green detergent that we like (and, hello, Costco is easy for us), but I suggest trying the Norwex! Did I give you Kristin’s information? If not, let me know and I’ll get it for you. You can get a sample of the detergent from her. =D

  2. Lauren says:

    I am trying to be more green but with cleaning products I worry that it isn’t really killing bacteria. I have a bebe so I don’t like to use bleach but man oh man I FRICKIN’ LOVE BLEACH.

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