7 Quick Takes Friday #35

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In case you missed it, I had another post over at CottonBabies blog about sleep deprivation. At least the last few years have been worth… something? As if to make a point, Little Sir has been waking up with screaming nightmares around 2am and Little Lady screamed for an hour straight last night as if she was in pain but we never figured out why. We were both just sitting there with her for about 30 minutes, asking each other what we should do after trying all the usual things. We are such effective parents. She is going to be in therapy one day trying to figure out why she has a deep distrust of her parents’ competency.

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As you’ve seen from my raised bed garden post, I’m heading for an all new level of plant-killing. A while ago, my mother got us a Miracle-Gro Kids’ Garden kind of like this one.  I was so excited to show Little Sir how the plants came up. He loved it! However, this week they all mysteriously died:

aaaand I've killed 4 MiracleGro kit plants that grew perfectly for 3 wks. No idea how. #blackthumb
In this picture they appear parched, but that is Instagram’s filter. In fact, they were nice and damp but not soggy

I have no idea what happened, they were doing so well?!

Now I have received some well cared-for tomato and bell pepper sproutlings from A’Dell (she’s awesome, go check out her blog Are Things Complicated Yet?). I am keeping them in our half-bath with a light on them at all times. I am terrified I am going to kill them before I get some soil in our garden to transplant them!

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This week I also tried to make my own flour tortillas and FAILED miserably. You can check out the recipe(s) I tried on my Pinterest food board. Anyone know the magical trick to make flour tortillas?! Mine tasted like baking soda and they were hard as rocks. Also, Pinterest has never failed me before when it comes to recipes. I am very disillusioned with you, Pinterest. How could you?

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We are now having a cold spell here in Dallas, which is awesome since all my long sleeved shirts were eaten by our kitchen counter and I have been making do with my summer shirts. LOTS OF CARDIGANS.

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I cannot tell you how happy I am that we do not owe the IRS our entire savings this year, as we have in years past. It took going down to one income to put us in a tax bracket that we can actually afford. Yay for being poorer?

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I sewed some things this week and am very proud of myself. It was only hemming some homemade cloth wipes and fixing the hole in a pair of baby pants, but YAY ME. Now maybe I can work on doing something with those shirts with the holes. I have created a Pinterest board for t-shirt related creations. Which is what we do when we want to say we’re going to do something but just look at pictures of it online instead.

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Oh dear, I have started reading The Hunger Games for our neighborhood book club and so far I cannot put it down! How embarrassing. I thought I was too sophisticated for this kind of fluffy thing, BUT NO. I am seriously considering Googling the movie trailer.


Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.

4 thoughts on “7 Quick Takes Friday #35

  1. Tempppo says:

    I don’t know about flour tortillas, but if you can find Masa, that is what all my Latina friends recommend for making tortillas. I have done it a handful of times. It took 2 or 3 times making them to get the feel for it. And then my sister gifted me a tortilla press, which made everything wonderfully much easier! Though I must say, I have up doing that for awhile, as it is time consuming and My youngest recently discovered the joy of emptying bookshelves. *sigh*

  2. conscientious says:

    I have seen Masa at the store but had no idea what it was. Do you use it for flour or corn tortillas?

  3. tempppo says:

    Masa is corn flour, treated with lime. I don’t know what any of that really means as far as why the food turns out like it does. But I do know the tortillas are soft and wonderful and not crumbly and pasty like the ones I buy at the grocery store.

  4. tempppo says:

    Sorry, that wasn’t clear. The tortillas I make with Masa are corn tortillas. But they’re not like the corn tortillas you buy, which are crumbly and tasteless. These corn tortillas are wonderful, and closer to the consistency of a flour tortilla.

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