7 Quick Takes Friday #21

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If you follow this blog’s Facebook page, you saw the articles and pictures from my fellow bloggers about the H&M Opening Event here in Dallas on Wednesday night. It was amazing! I’ve been waiting for an H&M to come to Dallas for years! Until now, we just went to one every time we traveled: NYC, DC, and California. But now we have one here! This is great news for me since I seem to have lost my Glamour and need to stay stylish. Here are a few other pictures I took.
A video {video here}, check out the bar! I had a glass of wine, woo hoo!:

Even the DJ was stylish:
Red carpet:
H&M Opening Dallas

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I love Apple products. They are normally so easy to use. But why is it that nothing I do can take a movie out of iPhoto and put it onto YouTube? I can’t even currently figure out how to get movies from my camera onto YouTube at all.

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Speaking of pictures, so many of the bloggers I admire take beautiful pictures with their DSLR’s. We have an old Pentax DSLR, but I am afraid to use it. And it’s so big. But I’d love to take gorgeous photos of the kids and the things around us. Is it a huge time and money suck to learn?

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I am ready for the fall to be here. Fall in Dallas means it gets below 100 degrees. I am getting a little tired of having to be indoors any time after noon. I think the kids would really like to be able to take walks, and so would I!

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I think I wrote a post about exercising recently and I would like to update everyone by say that no, I am still not formally exercising. Because I cannot figure out when/how to do it and I am too exhausted most of the time. But I still miss yoga very much.

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I am considering doing bento boxes for Little Sir’s lunches for Mother’s Day Out in fall. Not anything elaborate, but since I am not allowed to give him anything that isn’t a finger food, it might be a good way to pack his food. Do you have any good web sites with ideas you can recommend?

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Today’s post has been written fast and badly while my children destroy the house. Now, back to parenting!


Well that’s all for this week, be sure to visit Conversion Diary for links to more 7 Quick Takes Fridays.

One thought on “7 Quick Takes Friday #21

  1. Sandra Bembenek says:

    Great idea on the bento lunches for MDO!  I found this today in my feed reader for bento lunch ideas: http://www.bentolunch.net/

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