5 Random Things #2

5 Unrelated Things hosted by ConscientiousConfusion.com1.

It is evidence that I spend a lot of time alone with recently potty-trained children that I almost made a poop joke about this post having #2 in it’s title. You’re welcome.


I have a lot of posts brewing in my mind right now that seem to be about food or fitness. I wish there were more crunchy-green type posts but right now I don’t have any of those in my brain. If you have any ideas for things you’d like to learn about doing in a more eco-friendly or more natural/healthy way, please feel free to send me a tweet, leave a comment, or post on this blog’s Facebook page. I’m sure there are ways that I am doing weird, green things all the time that I don’t even realize I could share.


I have been mixing my kombucha with other juices and things. Things I have mixed with kombucha this week: elderberry syrup and sparkling lemonade.

Sparkling lemonade was my fave!


I’m pretty sure Nutella is not healthy due to the sugar and fat content, and something about palm oil being bad for us, but dang if we didn’t buy 2 giant tubs at Costco and one is gone already.


With the start of school, my Megaformer Pilates 6:30am classes have slowed and my kids yoga classes are ramping up! If you are local, make sure you are following my Kids Yoga page for updated schedule — I’ll be teaching at a new studio, most likely, in October!